

Under the 4th competition of the CyberSecIdent - Cyber Security and e-Identity research and development program announced by the National Center for Research and Development („NCBR), a consortium of three entities:

  • Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa Państwowy Instytut Badawczy („NASK-PIB”) - leader,
  • Warsaw University of Technology
  • Galach Consulting Sp. z o.o

is carrying out the project entitled:
,,Vulnerability testing laboratory for desktop and mobile computing devices and algorithms and software".

The main objective of the project is to build a vulnerability analysis laboratory equipped with: Experimental laboratory station for vulnerability, device and software testing; vulnerability scanning in IT systems using innovative methods developed during the project; tools for static analysis of applications and behavioral analysis.  The project will develop a consistent methodology for conducting security testing of next-generation ICT network backbone component technologies (especially 5G), mobile devices and applications, Internet of Things systems, and cyber-physical systems. New methodologies for detecting vulnerabilities of advanced control algorithms based on artificial intelligence techniques will also be important results of the project.

Contract Number: CYBERSECIDENT/488240/IV/NCBR/2021

Funding for the project by NCBR is 9 391 475 zł + 23% VAT + VAT (total 11 304 825,00 zł), of which the Warsaw University of Technology will receive 2 711 250 zł + 23% VAT.

Project duration: 01.05.2021 – 31.12.2023

Detailed information about the competitionstrona NCBR

Related links: LaVa NASK