Under the 3rd competition of the scientific research and development program CyberSecIdent - Cyber Security and e-Identity announced by the National Center for Research and Development („NCBR"), a consortium consisting of three entities:

  • Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa Państwowy Instytut Badawczy („NASK-PIB”) - leader,
  • Enamor International Sp. z o.o. and
  • Warsaw University of Technology („WUT”) – Institute of Control and Computation Engineering,

is carrying out the project entitled:

„System for responding to threats to children's safety in cyberspace with particular emphasis on child pornography (APAKT)."


The objective of the project is to increase the safety of Polish cyberspace by increasing the availability of hardware and software solutions, which includes carrying out industrial research and development and preparatory work for implementation.
Under the project, a system will be created to analyze threats related to the propagation of illegal and sensitive content in cyberspace using automatically created models of their classification, built using modern artificial intelligence and pattern recognition techniques. The classification will be embedded in a system for responding to child pornography and monitoring the infrastructure used for such attacks.

Contract Number: CYBERSECIDENT/455132/III/NCBR/2020

Funding for the project by NCBR is 12.560.640 zł + VAT (total 15.449.588 zł), of which the Warsaw University of Technology will receive 2.313.750 zł.

Project duration: 36 months (2020/06/01 – 2023/05/31)

Detailed information about the competition: NCBR website

Related links: dyzurnet.pl