Equipment Database System (EqDb) for MPD detector on NICA bumper

Financing: Conceptual part without financing, the installation in the JINR will be financed from the JINR grant (from the Polish contribution to the JINR).

The project is carried out by the Institute of Control and Computation Engineering of the WUT, in cooperation with the Faculty of Physics of the WUT under Platformy Eksperymentów Fizyki Wysokich Energii

Amount of funding: 29900 USD.

Implementation period: od 2015.

Project contractor from IAiIS WUT: Tomasz Traczyk, Ph.D., reader.

Project objectives

Equipment Database (EqDb) is an information system designed to support the construction, assembly and operation of complex scientific equipment, in particular high energy physics research equipment. Currently, the system is adapted to the needs of the detector MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector) on a built bumper NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) in Zjednoczonym Instytucie Badań Jądrowych (JINR) in Dubna.

The project is partly based on the ALICE Detector Construction Database (DCDB) system, created at the beginning of the century for the experiment ALICE at CERN. Compared to the DCDB, the EqDb objectives are much broader and the data structure and applications are completely redesigned.

The main tasks of EqDb are as follows.

  1.     Support for equipment construction logistics, including
  •         Support for (limited) ordering of parts and equipment,
  •         inventory of parts and equipment,
  •         a catalogue of persons and institutions, with the possibility of linking persons/institutions to equipment elements and processes.

     2.     Support for the construction of research facilities, including:

  •         support of equipment assembly processes,
  •         Tracking the assembly of components and the use of parts,
  •         Support for installation and maintenance of the cabling,
  •         storing the measurement results of the component characteristics.

     3.     Support for the operation of the detector equipment, including:

  •         tracking device changes,
  •         to track changes in the cabling,
  •         storing component test results.

Thanks to its flexible structure and open interfaces, the EqDb can also be used as a future calibration database for the detector.