Parallel Numerical Methods

General description of EPNM project

Message Passing Interface (MPI)

Short description of MPI routines - .pdf file (E. Szynkiewicz) - "file EPNM_mpi.pdf"

Short description of MPI routines - .ps file (E. Szynkiewicz) - file ""

The book “Writing Message-Passing Parallel Programs with MPI (a two-day course) (Univ. of Edinburgh) - "file mpi_course.pdf"

The book “A User’s Guide to MPI” (Univ. of San Francisco) - file "mpi_guide.pdf"

Web-page with MPI tutorials and implementation(MPI Forum)

Local Area Multicomputer (LAMP)

MPI/LAM – Configuration, Compilation and Running

(E. Szynkiewicz) - file "LAM_conf_file.html"

MPI – LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) documentation

(Ohio Supercomputer Center) – file “”

Simple MPI programs

Example Use of Split routine

- file "split_color.c"

Example Use of Broadcast routine

- file "int_pi.c"

Project - results
