Operating Systems

Operating Systems

Jerzy Sobczyk

This page was last updated in 2001 and is not updated any more!!

Tests: 2001.04.18, 2001.05.30

Sample programs: ex1.c ex2.c Makefile

  1. Introduction: Brief history of computers and operating systems.
  2. Structure of the OS.
  3. Basic comands.
  4. Command interpreters.
  5. File system.
  6. Users and accounts.
  7. Security.
  8. Memory management.
  9. Programmers interface.
  10. Processes and synchronization.
  11. Inter process communication.
  12. System processes.
  13. Basic network services.
  14. Internet protocol suite.

E-mail: J.Sobczyk@ia.pw.edu.pl