Your task is to prepare 2 shell scripts: 1. Write a script chngnm which will have the following syntax: chngnm [-r|--recursive] [-s|--subdirectories] [-l|--lowercase|-u|-uppercase] chngnm [-h|--help] The goal of the script is to change names of files. The script is dedicated to lowerizing (-l or --lowercase) file and directory names or uppercasing (-u or --uppercase) file and directory names given as arguments. Changes may be done either with recursion (for all the files in subdirectories '-s' or --subdirectories) or without it. In recursive mode changes may affect only regular file names or subdirectory names (if with '-s' or --subdirectories) as well. Option -h (or --help) should print help message. 2. Write additional script chngnm_examples to demostrate and to test chngnm working scenarios, also to test how the script behaves when incorrect arguments to chngnm are given. -- Examples of correct usage: chngnm -l File1 FILE2 chngnm -u a* chngnm -r -u file1 dir1 dir2 dir3 chngnm -r -s -u file1 file2 dir1 dir2